All Posts By ericapdallas


By 316 5.1K

I am a list maker. It’s probably one of the things I consistently do week to week in order to stay connected to the goals I’ve set for the month. Creating lists and using a planner can position you to become a better ACTION TAKER in life. As a professional who regularly interacts with entrepreneurs and …

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Inside Dîner en Blanc: A First Timer’s Guide for this Amazing All-White Dinner Party Experience

By 1,021 10.2K

***Full Disclosure! What you are about to read is a very, very extensive and overall comprehensive guide on the inside track to navigating Dîner en Blanc . This isn’t your average event, and therefore planning is a must and I am so happy to provide you with all the details needed to successfully prepare and position …

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By 1,584 18.1K

Whether you are attending the Diner en Blanc, hosting an all-white picnic, or even attending a white party in general, the search for white items can be a challenge. As the saying goes, its better to have it and not need it, versus need it and not have it. Some people have no idea where to …

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